
''Everybody is a genius'' - Albert Einstein.

The most important thing in life, is to know what we are good at, to seek out what our talents are and to get feedback from others so we can continue to do what is a good match for us. It is not about how smart you are, but how are you smart.

How are you smart?

In leading fulfilling lives people should think about the roles they would like to play in society, the workplace and in relationships. This should then lead to the exploration of the key competencies needed for those roles.

Multiple Intelligence rests on the following:

  1. All of “Homo Sapiens” possess all of the intelligences, but in varying degrees of strength, skill and limitation.
  2. Just as we all look different and have unique personalities and temperaments, we also have different profiles of intelligences

In other words, no one kind of intelligence is better than another kind of intelligence. Each of the eight intelligences has its own and particular sphere of competence. They are significantly independent of one another. Of course, most life situations, jobs, relationships require input from several intelligences.

Multiple Intelligences & Self Development

The use of Multiple Intelligences (MI) can assist personal and career development in a number of ways:

  • Self-knowledge. Awareness of one’s MI strengths and weaknesses adds to self-knowledge that is a prerequisite for success in every arena of life.
  • Expansion of career possibilities. It can be demonstrated that adults involved in MI activities broadened the parameters of their career choices, rather than focusing on the “right fit”. They have also shown to have greater skills in the turbulent waters of relationship management.

Enhancement of self-esteem. Schools historically have valued verbal and mathematical mental skills over all others. (The results of IQ tests) Vocational subjects and related occupations have sometimes been devalued because the other intelligences needed in these areas have not been recognized. At-risk students and adults who may not have experienced personal success have benefited from recognizing that they are intelligent and that they can identify jobs, hobbies, talents and skills that match their strengths

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